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  • Writer's pictureJose Rocha

May 13, 2024 — Our Lady's message in São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brazil

Message from Our Lady, the Mystic Rose, Queen of Peace, given to the visionary and confidant, Brother Eduardo Ferreira, on May 13, 2024, in São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brazil. Source: , accessed at Sunday, September 1st, 2024 at 10:28 p.m.

“My children, I invite you today to pray for peace. 

Peace is what I desire for all of you. 

On this day of prayer:

 — I invite you to pray also for the Church;

 — Pray for my priestly sons. 

Little children, do not lose heart. 

I repeat: in the face of difficulties, pray:

 — Pray as a family;

 — Have dialogue in your homes;

 — Respect one another;

 — Love your neighbor. 

I am your Mother and I come to be among you. 

Put into practice my requests made here. 

God calls each of you by name… Open your hearts. 

I call each of you to this Sanctuary. 

I am happy when I see my children with me. 

With love, I bless you

#Come to this #Sanctuary (message of the Virgin Mary on May 13, 2024)



#Come to this #Sanctuary (message of the Virgin Mary on May 13, 2024)


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