Our Lady's Message on May 13, 2022-São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brazil
Message from Our Lady Mystical Rose Queen of Peace, left on May 13, 2022, to Brother Eduardo Ferreira, in the city of São José dos Pinhais, state of Paraná, Brazil:
(Transcription of the reading of the message by the voice of Brother Eduardo himself in the video accessed at on Wednesday, May 18, 2022, at 3:46 pm).
I am the Mystical Rose Queen of Peace!
My children, as you know, God has sent me here to establish His Kingdom among you… it is necessary that each one of you, can open your heart and accept Jesus in your life.
Pray with confidence!
Be confident!
Those who will remain with Jesus and me will have their reward.
Persevere you ones in the ways of faith, and so you will be led to eternal life.
These are the words that I bring to you today.
With love, I bless you.
With #Jesus and Our Lady, we will have #reward (Message of the #VirginMary 13/05/2022)