Our Lady of the Mystical Rose Queen of Peace
Above detail of the miraculous image of Rosa Mistica with open arms and in natural size as requested in one of the apparitions, where we can observe the 3 Roses of the Virgin. Arriving in Brazil on December 7, 2002, this image is 1 meter and 60 meters as revealed to be the size of Our Lady. With the globe and the base it measures 2 meters and 10 cm.
Below are excerpts from the book: Some Secrets Don't Stay Buried , by Br. Eduardo Ferreira, (ISBN nº 9788561949075).
Publication on this page authorized by the Author. Those interested in purchasing the complete work may contact the Chapel of Apparitions .
The Virgin's Roses
Thus the Virgin spoke to Pierina and in these brief words it is not difficult to discover an intimate correspondence with what she had revealed in São José dos Pinhais. It hurts us to think of all those who, due to their cold mentality, reject devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and, even worse, make fun of her: such people need our prayer.
On December 8, 1947, Maria Santíssima appeared in the church of Montichiari, crowded with people, going down a staircase decorated with white, red and yellow roses. During this apparition the Lady showed her luminous Heart, not surrounded by thorns, as in Fatima, but adorned with white, red and yellow roses.
The white rose indicates that Mary is the most pure daughter of the eternal Father, she is Immaculate and thirsty for wisdom. The red rose is the symbol of the Mother of the Son of God, Mother of Sorrows and Mercy. The yellow rose, in turn, is the symbol of the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Queen of Heaven and earth and Mother of the Church, who welcomes in her Immaculate Heart, as in a precious crystal vase, torrents of light, grace and grace. love.
Roses symbolize three great works of divine omnipotence. Mary, like the beloved daughter of the heavenly father, attracts the torrent of graces to herself and then transmits it to her children as Immaculate, powerful Virgin, Seat of Wisdom, etc. It is necessary to open our hearts to this source of graces by loving Our Lady intensely. Give your thanks in a special way to the priests that the Lord, out of thousands of men, has chosen for his service. Popular religiosity saw and expressed the divine worship of Our Lady with wonderful prayers and songs.