Our Lady of the Mystical Rose Queen of Peace
Above the chapel with the miraculous image of Rosa Mistica. Down the staircase and beside the fountain.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle the fire of your love in them.
Send your Spirit and everything will be created, then you will renew the face of the Earth.
O HOLY SPIRIT, grant me the gift of the holy FEAR of GOD, so that I will always remember with utmost reverence and deep respect for your divine presence, tremble with the Angels before your divine majesty and fear nothing so much as displeasing your saints eyes.
Glory to the Father ...
O HOLY SPIRIT, grant me the gift of Piety, which will make my tact and conversation with you in prayer delightful and will make me love GOD with intimate love as my FATHER, Mary Most Holy as my Mother and all men as mine. brothers in JESUS CHRIST.
Glory to the Father ...
O HOLY SPIRIT, grant me the gift of SCIENCE so that I may know more and more my own misery and weakness, the beauty, the virtue and the priceless value of the soul and so that I can always see clearly the pitfalls of the devil, of the flesh, and the world in order to avoid them.
Glory to the Father ...
O HOLY SPIRIT, grant me the gift of STRENGTH, so that I despise all human respect, flee from sin, practice virtue with holy fervor and can endure with contempt and even with joy of spirit the scorns, prejudices, persecutions and own death, before renouncing in words and works to my infinitely lovable Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST.
Glory to the Father ...
O HOLY SPIRIT, grant me the gift of GOOD ADVICE, so necessary for so many difficult steps in life, so that you always choose what pleases you most, and follow your divine grace in everything and with good and charitable advice help others.
Glory to the Father ...
O HOLY SPIRIT, grant me the gift of INTELLIGENCE, so that I, illuminated by the heavenly light of your grace, may well understand the sublime truths of salvation, the doctrine of holy religion.
Glory to the Father ...
O HOLY SPIRIT, grant me the gift of WISDOM, so that you may more and more love divine things and, burning in the fire of your love, joyfully prefer the things of Heaven and despise all that is worldly, and give me one. forever to JESUS, suffering everything in this world for His love. Amen.
Glory to the Father ...
HOLY SPIRIT, come, visit me and fill my heart, which you created with your divine grace.
Come and rest on me, SPIRIT of Wisdom, Intelligence, Good Advice, Fortitude, Science, Piety, and the Holy Fear of God.
Come, Holy Spirit, stay with me and pour out your divine blessings on me. Amen.
(Our Lady on December 14, 2009, asked for a novena to be held in honor of the Holy Spirit; every Monday.)