Our Lady of the Mystical Rose Queen of Peace

Below are excerpts from the book: Some Secrets Don't Stay Buried , by Br. Eduardo Ferreira, (ISBN nº 9788561949075).
Publication on this page authorized by the Editor. Those interested in purchasing the complete work may contact the Chapel of Apparitions .
Our Lady of the Mystical Rose
The Virgin's Roses
Thus the Virgin spoke to Pierina and in these brief words it is not difficult to discover ... (Find out more)
Immaculate Conception Aparecida
On January 6, 1983, at the age of 10; ir.Eduardo and his father were cleaning the yard in front of the new residence on Rua Heitor Liberato, old number 636. Ir.Eduardo finds himself among the grass ... (Find out more)
Trip to Taquari
Ten years after Our Lady's first appearance to Brother Eduardo, he was in Taquari with four other people.
The visit took place on February 20, 1998. They were welcomed by Frei João and a lady who lives there near the chapel Nossa Senhora da Assunção.
During the prayer of the rosary in the chapel, ... (Find out more)
Apparition of Jesus Christ
The first appearance of Jesus Christ for Brother Eduardo was ... (Find out more)
Other Appearances
Brother Eduardo has also had appearances of:
· Saint Joseph Castissimo, husband of the Virgin Mary.
Sr. Eduardo worked as an upholsterer with his father from 10 years old to 20 years old. Brother Eduardo already ... (Find out more)