Our Lady of the Mystical Rose Queen of Peace
Above the chapel with the miraculous image of Rosa Mistica. Down the staircase and beside the fountain.
Below are excerpts from the book: Alguns Segredos Não Ficam enterrados (Some Secrets Don't Stay Buried), by Br. Eduardo Ferreira, (ISBN nº 9788561949075).
Publication on this page authorized by the Author. Those interested in purchasing the complete work can contact the Chapel of Apparitions .
Our Lady Rosa Mystica
In a small town in Italy called Montichiari and in the village called Fontanelle in the same city, in 1946, Our Lady appeared to a nurse named Pierina Gilli, born on August 3, 1911 (and died on January 12, 1991).
In 1944, St. Maria Crocifissa Di Rosa, founder of the Servants of Charity, began to appear for Pierina.
The first stage of the apparitions of Our Lady was in the city of Montichiari on November 23 to 24, 1946 and ended on December 8, 1947.
Pierina spent nineteen years with the Sisters of Lily, from Brescia, welcomed by charity. During this period he suffered the passion of Our Lord.
The second stage of the apparitions was still in Brescia, together with the Sisters of the Lily, on April 5, 1960.
The third stage of the apparitions took place in the village of Fontanelle on April 14, 1966 and ended practically with his death on January 12, 1991.
In the first apparition, Our Lady carried huge swords in her chest. Along with the Blessed Virgin, Saint Mary Crucifix appeared, who explained to Pierina the meaning of the three swords:
- the 1st symbolizes the ruin of the priestly and religious vocation;
- the 2nd symbolizes the sinful life that many priests lead;
- the 3rd symbolizes the betrayal of Judas and hatred against the Church and the priests who become unworthy to exercise their ministry.
While St. Maria Crocifissa Di Rosa was speaking, the beautiful Lady approached me, says Pierina, so I could see two thick tears streaming from her eyes and I noticed her sweet voice that said:
"Prayer, sacrifice and penance".
In the following apparition on July 13, 1947, Our Lady appears with three beautiful roses in place of swords, in white, red and golden yellow, which mean:
- White rose indicates the spirit of prayer;
- Red rose indicates the spirit of sacrifice and self-denial;
- Golden yellow rose indicates the spirit of penance.
Then, taking the floor in a voice of authority, which would convey an order received from God, he said:
“Our Lord sends me to bring a new marian devotion to all religious institutes and congregations, male and female, also secular priests. I promise to all institutes or congregations that honor me that they will be protected by me, they will have a greater flowering of devotions and fewer vocations betrayed, less people who offend the Lord with mortal sins and great holiness among God's ministers ”.
Several messages took place in this first period of the apparitions, but they were not recognized and for 13 years the apparitions cease, returning only on April 5, 1960.
On April 14, 1966 in the village of Fontanelle, Our Lady says: “My Divine Son Jesus Christ, send me once more over the land of Montichiari, in order to bring many graces to all humanity. The source will become miraculous. From this Sunday, April 17, 1966, the sick should be taken to this source and you must first offer this water for them to drink and then wash their wounds. From now on, this will be your new mission of action and apostle, no longer hidden nor removed from the community ”.
Since then, Our Lady has appeared many times making great appeals.
On November 23, 1975, Our Lady talks about the holy images in Fontanelle and that will be sent to the whole world, She says:
"Wherever I stop in the face of these images, I take with me the divine graces and love that I revealed in Montichiari".