Our Lady of the Mystical Rose Queen of Peace

“Sacred Heart of Jesus, infinite source full of mercy.
You who are in all the tabernacles of the world, I ask you for the conversion of all sinners and especially of (name the person).
Save him from the fires of hell and the traps of the evil one.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, full of love and sweetness, guide my steps, my thoughts and actions. Do not allow me to separate from you, or to come to offend you.
I am not worthy and I deserve nothing, but I ask you, come quickly to help me. Amen.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, full of love and kindness.
Deign to look at me in this moment of anguish and pain.
Mother of mercy, I received this poor prayer of mine full of hope, in the certainty of being answered by you.
Blessed Virgin, my mother, I come at your feet to beg that you turn away from the life of (give the person's name) all bad thoughts. All acts that may come to harm you.
Most Holy Mother, I trust and place all my hope in you. I want to love you always and never offend you.
May the flame of love of your Immaculate Heart, bring it back (give the person's name), close to you. Bless me and protect me. Amen".
(Taught by Sacred Hearts to Brother Eduardo Ferreira on 08/02/2001)