Our Lady of the Mystical Rose Queen of Peace

Detail of the altar of the Chapel of the Most Holy at the home of Brother Eduardo Ferreira, where we can see the image found by Brother Eduardo on January 6, 1983 in Itajaí / SC. It was before this small image that the manifestations of the Virgin Mary began.
Below are excerpts from the book: Some Secrets Don't Stay Buried , by Br. Eduardo Ferreira, (ISBN nº 9788561949075). Publication on this page authorized by the Author. Those interested in purchasing the complete work can contact the Chapel of Apparitions .
Our Lady of the Conception who appeared, known as "Our Lady Appeared" (Nossa Senhora Aparecida)
On January 6, 1983, at the age of 10, brother Eduardo and his father were cleaning the yard in front of the new residence on Rua Heitor Liberato, former number 636, city of Itajaí, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Eduardo finds between the grass the body of a small image of Our Lady Appeared measuring 13 cm. Thrilled, he shows the image found to his father who explained that he had the image of Our Lady Appeared in his hands.
Eduardo keeps the fragile little image of Our Lady Appeared very carefully.
The next day, work to clean the yard continues. Brother Eduardo and his father start cleaning the backyard of the house, since the front was completely cleaned the day before.
In the end, brother Eduardo is happy to find a small head of the image of Our Lady Appeared among the grasses¹. Overflowing with joy, Brother Eduardo tells his father the gift that heaven had given them.
Brother Eduardo happily runs and takes the body of the small image found the day before. With shaking hands, he places the small head on the body of the image. Ali was starting a great mission under the maternal eye of Our Lady.
During the night, brother Eduardo pastes the small image and places it on a small altar that he himself carefully constructed for the small image of Our Lady Appeared. Great will be your surprise in a few years!
Day when it all started: Day of Our Lady of the Conception Appeared (Nossa Senhora Aparecida)
The first sign that Brother Eduardo received was on October 12, 1987, at noon and 35 minutes, four days after his first Eucharist.
It was a cloudy day, he and his seven-year-old sister, Eliete; they were praying in front of that little image of Our Lady Appeared, found by him. At that address, there were many phenomena and apparitions of Our Lady.
Eduardo and Eliete, prayed before the image of Our Lady Appeared, when suddenly a small blue light came out of the image, and illuminates the whole room.
The two frightened tell their parents, where they asked them to pray more.
Brother Eduardo was born on July 31, 1972 in Itajaí, state of Santa Catarina; day of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
At this time, he was only 15 years old and after that event, he continued to see the same blue light as his sister, no more.
The Marian year 1988 begins.
First apparition of Our Lady
On the afternoon of February 12, 1988, at 6 pm; Brother Eduardo experiences the first appearance in his room. So he tells us:
- I see a beautiful young lady in a white costume, a blue belt around her waist, a beautiful transparent rosary that glistens a lot on her right arm.
Her hair was black as night, her eyes blue, her face shone with great beauty.
I was able to touch the Mother of Jesus. She is real, and she transmitted a warmth.
In this view I could observe that the Blessed Virgin, was in a cave and next to it, there were many roses, where I could count in a number of 54 roses.
Our Lady explained that these roses were secrets about the Valley of the Itajaí River, about the state of Santa Catarina, the southern region of Brazil, for Brazil, for America, for the world in general and especially for the Catholic Church .
Before the Virgin's feet, there was a small stream where a snake appeared and wanted to jump in the water, so Our Lady trampled it with her foot.
The snake writhed all over, trying to escape. In this vision that lasted about five minutes, the Virgin Mary introduced herself as the Lady of the Rosary, and spoke a few words. Among them are:
First message.
02/12/1988 - “... Dear son. I am the Mother of Jesus, the Lady of the Rosary.
Do not be afraid, because God has a great plan of salvation for this valley ... I will manifest myself in Taquari - State of Rio Grande do Sul, for some young people ...
Pray, pray for your family. I bless in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit + amen. ”
In that vision, Our Lady asked me to go to Taquari, and when I got there, She would give me a sign of her presence.
On March 24, 1988, Our Lady appeared in Taquari, for some young people, as she told me.
¹Translation note: The image of Our Lady Appeared was found by three fishermen in 1717 in the Paraíba River, in a similar way that the then boy Eduardo found in the backyard among the grass, the image broken at the height of the neck in two stages. In the case of fishermen, they collected the fishing net for the first time when the body was found and after that in a later pull of the net the head of the image was found.