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Writer's pictureJose Rocha

Messages from May 2009

OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST'S MESSAGE - (05/01/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Beloved son My little Lily.

I am happy with your presence here today in the chapel of the Eucharistic Miracle (miracle that happened on December 31, 2000 in the Our Lady of Mystical Rose sanctuary in São José dos Pinhais).

I am happy when I see a son prostrated in adoration. Know, my children, that whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you will get it, and this will be given to you. (Mark 11:24)

Continue doing every first Friday of the month the 1000 Mercies

At this moment I pour over you ones My balsam (oil) to comfort you and heal your wounds.

You must love one another, love one another!

I leave you ones My peace.


OUR LADY'S MESSAGE - (05/02/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Beloved children, on this day I invite you once again to pray with your heart and feeling trust in your prayers.

Know, little children, that prayer is the most powerful weapon to defend you from your enemies; if you do not use it, you will be lost.

With prayer you will defend yourselves against the adversary's attacks.

The prayer of the rosary is an invincible weapon. Beloved, whatever you ask for in the prayer of the Rosary, believe that you will get it, and it will be given to you. Happy the son who trusts in My intercession. Pray, pray, pray.

My children, I invite you once again to pray once a month the 1000 Hail Marys. With this prayer you will win the battle! Pray with confidence believing in the victory.

I am Mary Queen and Victorious of all Battles.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


OUR LADY'S MESSAGE - (05/03/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Beloved children, in this month of May I invite you to intensify your prayers for peace in the nations. Pray, pray the Rosary together in family and even in churches.

Have confidence my children that peace will happen.

Yes, God has been calling you in many ways. Do not turn your back to Him, because in the future you may repent.

Confess your sins and return to the Lord when there is time.

You ones, convert yourselves, convert yourselves!

Make constant use of the holy water in your homes.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


OUR LADY'S MESSAGE - (05/04/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Dear children, without prayer you will not be able to be upright before the storm in which the world is suffering with the unbelief.

It is necessary to pray with more abandonment and confidence. Know, my children, that our adversary tries in every way to keep out you ones from Me.

Be careful not to fall into the clutches of the evil one.

I am your Mother, the Immaculate Conception Queen of Peace. So! If I am your Mother, Victorious Queen, what are you afraid of?

Courage my children! I am with you even though you do not see Me. Be obedient to my Mother's appeals. I am here to guide you to Jesus. If you do not go to Him, how can My Lord give his graces to you?

In the Heart of My Son is the plentitude of graces.

Urgently spread these messages of mine that I am making known through this servant of mine. Love one another, love one another, love one another.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST'S MESSAGE - (05/04/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Beloved son, my little Lily; have My peace.

I, the Lord, am the only one who will lead you to salvation, because I, Jesus of Nazareth, purify your souls, my children. Do not be afraid!

I am here to deliver you and to heal you. I the Lord will heal your wounds and relief your pains, because I am meek and humble of Heart.

Beloved, hatred and revenge cannot exist in a heart that proclaims My word. My servant cannot deny forgiveness to his neighbor. Be attentive to these My words.

A good servant does not hold a grudge, nor even sow slander.

Beloved ones I am calling you to come and slake your thirst in My Heart. Come soon, and do not put it off until tomorrow.

My dear little sheep, be obedient to the calls of My Holy Mother. When you are near Her, there is nothing to worry about, because the path of your life is to be in Her affection and in Her protection.

Beloved ones, let My Holy Mother help you on your way. Come to meet Her here in Her Sanctuary of Tears.

I am Jesus of Nazareth.


Shot of the phenomenon of the sun on 04/5/09 in the sanctuary

(During Our Lord's manifestation the sun showed signs)


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY - (05/05/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Beloved children, I love you, I love you.

Little children, I am the Star of Evangelization. I invite you to urgently spread this message of mine that I am dictating in São José dos Pinhais.

Beloved ones, open your hearts and listen to My words of hope. My children, My Heart fills with hope when I see a good son welcoming these my requests and putting them into practice.

I thank you for the prayers for Brazil. Continue to pray the Rosary for this nation.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY - (05/06/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Dear and beloved children

Once again I would like to invite you to return to God through prayer, live in unity with this Mother.

Our adversary tries in every way to distance you from me, you ones must do not listen to gossip and too stay away from those who only want your ruin.

I have come in these apparitions to bring reconciliation with God and neighbor, but I realize that there are few who want unity. The Angel of the Chalice continues to fly over Brazil.

Pray, pray, pray.

I thank you for spreading these messages of mine to my children spread throughout this nation.

I bless you and leave you in the peace of the Lord. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY - (05/12/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

My children, I am the Queen of Peace - Mediatrix of All Graces.

Beloved ones, you need to pray to have discernment to know where I am truly manifesting Myself. The evil one is lurking, trying to deceive you to keep you away from the path of the Lord.

I am the Mother of Unity. I've been coming in these manifestations to invite you to unity. Beloved ones, My desire is to help you.

Once again I invite you to pray for peace in Brazil.

I repeat: stay away from those who only sow discord and gossip.

These manifestations of mine are the continuation and conclusion of Montichiari.

Spread these messages of mine with love. Pray, pray, so that My plans may be realized.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST - (05/13/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Beloved son, convey to your brothers and sisters the following message:

My holy Mother needs to be loved and honored not only in yours homes but also in the Church, where She is also Mother and Teacher. My beloved Mother has already obtained graces and will continue to obtain even more graces for all mankind, and it is hoped that by the consecration to her Immaculate Heart, the homes and the Church will be invigorated and renewed.

Beloved, you need to think of the pains that My Mother went through when she climbed Calvary with Me on that Friday of the Passion.

When you think of My pains, you must also think of My Mother's pains.

Beloved, My Heart is connected to My Mother's Heart.

Know that the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of My Mother is a Divine and purifying dwelling house.

My beloved Mother is all Divine Mercy, for already at the presentation in the Temple, the prophecy was said: "A sword of pain will pierce your soul".

At the foot of the Cross, the same spear that pierced My Heart; pierced the soul of My beloved Mother. I and My holy Mother are united for the Redemption of all humanity.

Beloved, meditate on the pains that My Mother struggled through here on earth. Beloved, consecrate your souls to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. You must recognize Her power, Her royalty, and Her maternity.

Beloved, you must surrender yourselves to My Mother's care so that She can exercise Her maternal protection to the full.

To My priest sons! You must pay homage to My Holy Mother in your parishes, front all men, including those who do not know Her and those who do not appreciate Her worthily.

Beloved, spread devotion to the Immaculate Heart of my Mother and you will have extraordinary graces. The Heart of My Mother leads souls to My Heart. My Sacred Heart came to you through the Immaculate Heart of My beloved Mother.

It gives Me great joy to see a son honor and obey the requests of My Mother. Love and let yourself be loved by Mary, My holy Mother.

I leave you My peace.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY - (05/13/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Dear children,that you ones converted, convert you ones.

Little children, do not make prayer a moment of distraction. You must pray the Rosary with devotion and love. Do not put off until tomorrow to start praying, because it may be too late. Start your conversion today.

Beloved children, I ask that the practice of the devotion of The Rosary of the Tears of Blood be spread everywhere.

I renew the promises I made to the My daughter Amalia in City of Campinas - Estate of São Paulo. My Divine Son Jesus, promises great graces to all who pray this Rosary of the Tears.

I am the Virgin of the Rosary, the Mystical Rose Mother.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY - (05/14/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Beloved children, do not waste your time with false philosophies (superstitions, horoscopes, traditional local healers, fortune-tellers, power of the mind and others).

You ones must fight against all this evil!

Take courage my children, I am with you. Have confidence in this Mother.

Beloved ones, don't go here and there looking for divination or miraculous solutions.

You must look for Jesus in the Eucharist. Pray, pray.

The time you have left is short. You have many signs to believe in God's existence.

Put you ones into practice these My messages.

With love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY - (05/17/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Dear children, once again I ask you to pray the Rosary fervently for Brazil. If you pray with faith there will be much fruit. Pray, pray!

I am Mary Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.

I also ask you for prayer, penance, and fasting.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY - (05/19/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Beloved children, pray and keep praying the Rosary of the Tears of Blood.

Pray with your heart this prayer taught by My Divine Son Jesus.

Make an effort to pray this prayer every day. Don't waste your time, my dears. Do not separate yourselves from Me who am your Mother.

I pour upon each of you My maternal blessing which is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY - (05/22/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

My children, open your hearts to my calls.

Live my messages that have been left here throughout these years.

Many of them contain prophecies for Brazil that are already coming true.

Urgently spread these messages. Understand, my children, that the moment to spread these messages is now.

Collaborate with my plans to save this nation. Pray, pray, pray.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY - (05/23/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Dear children, I invite you this day to meditate with love on My messages and put them into practice.

Little children, I, Mary, mother of Jesus and your mother, desire to take the greater number of My children to Heaven.

Little children, ask the Lord for forgiveness, for soon the planet will be altered by natural disasters.

My children, continue to pray for the peace of the world because the Angels of the Lord are flying over all the nations...

Little children, I continue to call you to conversion. Return to God while there is time. Pray, pray.

Form prayer groups by praying the rosary and meditating on My messages. Spread My appeals beloved children!

I am the Mother Mediatrix of All Graces. I am the Mother of Reconciliation!

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY - (05/24/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Little children, have courage in the face of all the day-to-day obstacles. Have confidence in God! The weapon I give you for this combat is the Holy Rosary.

Pray every day, and do not put off until tomorrow to start praying. I am your Mother, the Help of Christians.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY - (05/26/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Dear children, I have been coming to these apparitions over the years to call you to conversion and repentance. Convert and open your hearts to God.

Pray, pray to find peace in your families. Without peace you cannot be happy.

Do not look for help in what does not belong to God.

Beloved, confess your sins while there is still time.

On this day dedicated to My apparition at Caravaggio, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY - (05/28/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

My children, it is necessary to live the love in families. It is necessary to pray together to find peace. If you do not pray, you will not have peace. Pray, pray, pray!

Pray and trust in My protection. Spread these My requests to everyone you meet.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY - (05/31/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Beloved children, pray and pray a lot.

Humanity needs to accept My message of conversion.

I am coming to Brazil to make my final appeals.

From My Immaculate Heart I have been pouring special graces to all mankind. Do not waste these graces that come to you freely.

Beloved children, do not be discouraged. Courage, my children.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Photos of the month from the old PhotoLog:

1st photo: Shot of the phenomenon of the sun on 04/5/09 in the sanctuary

2nd photo: Phenomenon of the sun - shot of the sun during the Mother's Day procession (May 10th, 2009)

3rd photo: Mother's Day - The cenacle procession on May 10th had a very special presence: The image of Our Lady that wept tears, oil and blood during 4 years, participated in the procession.

4th photo: Mother's Day - Cenacle on May 10, 2009. Homage to Our Lady of Fatima.

5th photo: Photo taken from the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament where the miraculous image of Our Lady of the Mystical Rose is posed with the Eucharist brought by the Angel on 12/31/2000.


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