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Messages from 2009 july

Writer's picture: Jose RochaJose Rocha

Updated: Nov 29, 2021

(07/02/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

My dear little children, the peace of my Divine Son be with you all! I am the Virgin of Mount Carmel.

My little ones, the Kingdom of Heaven is for those who are spiritually "childish", those who do not attribute to their own merit, whether it is in works or personal strength.

To become like a child indicates that a change of heart is necessary. The Kingdom of God is attainable, my smallest ones.

My Son died for you so that you may receive the treasure of His glory. Come to Jesus, little ones.

Try not to talk about your own strength, sending the message that you don't need help, but rather rejoice in your littleness and poverty of spirit, because God has much to give you and strengthen you in Him. Love your neighbor and pray for those who persecute Me!

Proclaim the Good News and turn away from those who sow discord.


(07/04/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

My dear little children!

Rejoice in Jesus my little ones. He bore the weight of the sin of the world in order to deliver you from eternal death.

So to sing praises of gratitude to God is to be obedient to His Word.

A single act of obedience to Him gives Him greater glory than ritual prayers and mortifications.

How can you be obedient to Jesus?

By being obedient to your superiors, confessors and spiritual directors.

Jesus reveals His will many times through them.

Jesus allows them to watch more of you.

If sometimes you are disappointed by their advice, don't despair.

Be at peace! Jesus sees your obedience and He will give you abundant grace to be humble.

Jesus allows moments like these, to protect you from the danger of spiritual pride.

Pride is what has prohibited Satan from heaven for all eternity.

Maintain peace of heart and have confidence in Jesus.

Jesus will remove all obstacles and change your hearts when the time is right. Jesus will not abandon you ones.

I love all of you little children, and give you my motherly blessing.


(07/07/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

My dear little children

Beloved, this is a time when so many people are suffering.

There are many people confused, hurt, and people looking for attention, comfort and respect.

There are so many people who wish to receive love, but who do not wish to give it in return. Instead, because of a fragmented world, this is a time when stress, despair, hopelessness and depression afflict many people.

The poor feel poorer, the rich feel richer, and the middle class struggle to survive and maintain their dignity.

Why? Because there has been so much emphasis on money, success, wealth and power that many people have forgotten the true essence and value to human beings.

Jesus is love and He is giving Himself to you as a gift.

To give a gift of love is to give without asking for anything in return.

This means that you should give your love without any expectation.

Love all people like Jesus, little children.

He will fill you with His presence and give you the strength to continue on your journey. You will feel His love.

You can help heal this broken world, little children, through Jesus.

He is your greatest treasure. He is the gift of love.

Love each other, love each other.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY (07/12/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Dear and beloved children!

I invite you to be with Me in prayer.

Pray, pray with confidence. I am very happy to see you gathered here today before this Cross that symbolizes the victory of My Son.

I am the Queen of Peace. I am the Mediatrix between heaven and earth and I am the messenger of the Most High.

Divulge My children... Divulge the calls that I make to you. My beloved ones, do not waste these graces that the Lord grants through these mine hands. With all the my love I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity. Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Pray, pray, pray.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY (07/13/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR


Today the Virgin Mary came with the three Archangels.

Our Lady is happy with the presence of each one here in her Shrine. She thanks each one for their presence. She is very happy with the presence of her son Joseph John.

Our Lady:

Dear children, I come from heaven this late afternoon to be close to you. Today heaven is celebrating!

Today your Mother rejoices with the presence of each one of you here.

My children, be you ones open to this grace. Persevere in your prayers.

Beloved children, remember with Me today my first apparition with the title of the Mystical Rose in Montichiari. I invited my daughter Pierina to be close to Me more often. Today I make the same request to each one of you, to come close to this Mother more often.

I am here with open arms and a heart overflowing with joy to welcome each one of you. Beloved ones, it saddens me very much when I see a son distancing himself from me...

Persevere in your prayers! Courage...

I am close to you although you do not see Me.

I am the Mystical Rose. I am the Queen of Peace. I am the Mother of Love!

Spread these last messages, my children, that I am transmitting here (pause).


Our Lady at this moment prays for each one of us.

The Blessed Mother asks us to distance ourselves from people who sow gossip. She asks us to witness to her love. She says that love destroys every barrier that keeps us from her Son Jesus.

Our Lady:

I love you ones, I love you, I love you.

With all My Love I pour upon each one of you My Blessing.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Peace. Keep divulging these messages of mine.

Here am I, the maidservant of the Lord...


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY (07/25/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Beloved children, pray, pray the rosary with devotion and with love. This nation needs many prayers. Pray and do penance for the Brazilian children.


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY (07/27/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

My children, I love you and I invite you to be obedient to my calls already left in this place. All of you, commit yourselves more and more to the service of this mother. My little ones, do not be disheartened. Courage!

I invite you once again to prayer and penance. Do not lose time.

Beloved ones, remember today my first appearance in Itaúna in 1955 to my four children of that city. In 1992 Itaúna was united with Itajaí through my servants Ovídio (Itaúna) and Eduardo (Itajaí) to pray together for My triumph in this nation. The union of these two apparitions brought much joy to My Heart. It makes Me very happy to see My children going frequently to visit the grotto of Itaúna, a holy place of prayer. Pray and do penance, children of the State of Minas Gerais.

I am the Virgin of Grace. I am the Mother of Reconciliation.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."


MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY (07/30/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Beloved son, on this day I, that am your Mother, want to bless you in a very special way*. My child, feel embraced by Me who am your Mother and Commander. Feel also on this day the presence of Leopoldo Mandic. This son so loved by Me, who here on earth had great affection for this Mother, and now here in heaven, intercedes for you ones that is on earth.

Children of this land of the Holy Cross, pray, pray a lot. Don't let the distraction of daily life take you away from prayer. My beloved ones, make an effort to pray more.

Once again I invite you to live My messages. Open your hearts to My Love.

My children, it is a time of grace. Do not waste this time that I have been coming to São José dos Pinhais.

Beloved ones, do not let laziness take over you. Pray, pray.

Pray for peace in Brazil. Today, 79 years ago, Pope Pius XI named Me officially as the patroness of this nation.

Therefore, beloved, you must consecrate yourselves every day to My care.

Pray for each other. Pray for the priests of this nation. Pray for those who criticize My manifestations.

Love each other, love each other.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

* Today Our Lady has showered Brother Eduardo with a special blessing because it is his birthday. Eduardo was born on July 30th and his father registered him on July 31st.


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