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Writer's pictureJose Rocha

Messages from April 2009.


OUR LADY'S MESSAGE (4/1/2009)) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Prayer to John Paul II

Dear children, today I want to call you again to family prayer. Pray, pray together!

Pray with love and devotion the prayers that I have taught over the years.

Little children, I desire that each one of you become vigilant against all the traps of the evil one. Vigil and pray with fervor.

Dear children, I invite you tomorrow to pray in an action of grace, united with my children from my sanctuary of the Mystical Rose of São José dos Pinhais, to ask for the beatification of my servant John Paul II.

I will bless all those who are in prayer at 4pm, because at this time I will be present to dictate one more message.

I bless them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Received by Brother Eduardo Ferreira on April 1, 2009 in São José dos Pinhais-PR.

Prayer asking for graces through the servant of God John Paul II

O Holy Trinity, we thank Thou for having given the Church Pope John Paul II and for having made shine in him the tenderness of Thou Fatherhood, the glory of the Cross of Christ and the splendor of the Spirit of love.

Trusting totally in Thou Infinite Mercy and in the maternal intercession of Mary Most Holy, he was for us a living image of Jesus the Good Shepherd, showing us holiness as the highest measure of ordinary Christian life, the way to reach eternal communion with Thee.

According to thou will, grant us through his intercession the grace that we implore, in the hope that he will soon be inscribed in the number of thou saints.


Note: April 2 - 2nd anniversary of Pope John Paul's death.


OUR LADY'S MESSAGE (04/02/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

Dear children, on this day I invite you to pray with me the rosary for the beatification of John Paul II.

Through this Rosary I wish to grant you extraordinary graces. Pray, pray with love and trust.

My children, I desire that you maintain burning the flame of faith.

Through the intercession of John Paul II, the Lord is granting you special graces today. I love you all, I love you.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

OUR LADY'S MESSAGE (04/04/2009) Saint Joseph of the Pines/PR

Beloved son, pray and trust in your heavenly Mother the Queen and Messenger of the Lord.

My son, hear My guidance...have confidence in My protection.

Dear children, be attentive to the signs of Heaven. Continue to pray the Rosary in your homes.

On this day spent in prayer, I pour out My maternal blessing upon you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Note: every first Saturday of the month 1000 Hail Marys are prayed as requested by Saint Michael in 1999.

OUR LADY'S MESSAGE (04/07/2009) Saint Joseph of the Pines/PR

Dear children, remain firm in your prayers.

Beloved, everything I predicted is happening.

Dear children, the Saturday vigils have been a wonder for those who have been obeying the request of my Divine Son.

Beloved, pray with more love and confidence the Rosary on Saturdays during the Vigil.

Pray together to seek strength in prayer.

Go forward with courage spreading this request of My Jesus.

I am Mary Queen and Mediatrix of All Graces.

OUR LADY'S MESSAGE (04/10/2009) Saint Joseph of the Pines/PR

Dear children, today My message is about love.

That you all live in harmony with each other and also with nature.

That you ones continue praiyng the Rosary every day to find true peace.

You ones must talk about peace and not violence. Speaking it of destruction, it will attract ruin upon you.

Live out my messages here already left with so much love throughout these years that I have come to earth!

I am the Mother of Jesus and also yours. I am the Mystical Rose, the Queen of Peace. I am grateful for the presence of each one of you here today in My shrine.

Do not let these graces go unnoticed in your lives.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

OUR LADY'S MESSAGE (04/12/2009) Saint Joseph of the Pines/PR

Peace! I am Mary Queen and Mother of Peace.

Dear children, pray the Rosary in your communities without ceasing.

Children, your prayers must be lights for the world.

It must penetrate the hearts of your brothers and sisters and especially the hearts of the priests in your cities.

I ask you to listen to my requests already left here during these 21 years that I have been coming to earth.

I have chosen this city of São José dos Pinhais to invite you to return to the Lord.

Dear children, pray and trust in my intercession, live my messages.

I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

OUR LADY'S MESSAGE (04/14/2009) Joinville/SC

Dear children, continue praying. Pray for yourselves to have discernment in front the traps of the evil one.

I am your Mother and I invite you to walk the path of peace and concord.

I also want to instruct you ones through of My messages to walk the path of trust and abandonment in God's hands.

I am the Mediatrix of All Graces.

Pray, pray with love and devotion the consecration for Me taught in August 1996.

I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Fotos do mês do antigo Fotolog:

1st photo: Pilgrims from the city of Ponta Grossa visit Mary's house in her shrine on March 29, 2009;

2nd and 3rd photo: Picture taken from the clouds on the Shrine of Our Lady Rosa Mistica in the month of March, where Jesus Crucified in the clouds is observed

4th to 7th photo: Sun phenomenon on the afternoon of the first Saturday of April (04/04/2009), during the prayer of 1000 Hail Marys;

8th photo: Another beautiful photo taken of the sun phenomenon on the afternoon of April 6th in the sanctuary.

9th photo: Good Friday (04/10/2009). Pilgrims from Curitiba, São José dos Pinhais, Ponta Grossa, Palmeira, Castro, Piraquara, Pinhais, Itajaí and São Paulo preparing for the procession of the Way of the Cross.

10th photo: Procession of the Via Crucis (10/04/2009)

11th photo: Way of the Cross at the Sanctuary of Our Lady Mystical Rose (10/04/2009)

12th photo: Phenomenon in the sun during the Via Crucis on April 10, 2009.

13th photo: Holy Mass celebrated in the chapel of the Shrine of Our Lady Mystic Rose.

14th photo: People gathered in prayer at the Sanctuary of Our Lady Mystical Rose in front of the Chapel.


MESSAGE OF OUR LADY (04/16/2009) São José dos Pinhais/PR

I come from Heaven on this day to tell you that God loves you and wants to see you happy.

Dear children, as a Mother, I wish to guide you on the path of peace and love.

Dear children, I, the Queen of Peace, am willing to help you to walk the path of holiness.

My children, persevere in your prayers. Pray with love the Rosary.

On this day I ask you to pray for the people of India. My Indian children must love God above all things. The heart of man without God is an empty and loveless heart. A heart without God sows discord!

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY (19/04/2009) Saint Joseph of the Pines/PR

On this day I wish again to tell you how great My love for this nation is.

Beloved children, great graces are poured out on this day of the Feast of Divine Mercy.

I am very happy to see a son worshiping Jesus in the consecrated host. Beloved, I am with My Divine Son in every Eucharist ...

Continue to seek in the opening of the heart, the grace of the Holy Spirit. I am here to intercede for each one of you.

I am the Immaculate Conception Rosa Mystica. Soon the oil of the Angels will be revealed to everyone who comes here with an open heart to hear My messages. That soft scent of lily in the air, is the presence of Angels in this sanctuary. They are guarding the place where the sacred oil is pouring.

Beloved children, persevere in prayers. Don't be discouraged!

Bear with love My messages.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY (04/21/2009) Saint Joseph of the Pines/PR

My children, pray, pray.

Pray with love and confidence the Rosary.

Pray this powerful prayer without ceasing!

Beloved, do not allow the evil one to rob you of the love for prayer. Pray and I your Mother the Queen of Peace, I will help you to overcome all the obstacles of the day-to-day.

My children, stay tuned!

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY (04/22/2009) Saint Joseph of the Pines/PR

Beloved sons, I am your Mother Queen of Brazil.

Beloved, I ask you to continue to pray for this nation. Do not be discouraged in praying for one another.

Dear children, once again I ask you to distance yourself from those who criticize and seed slanders. I ask you to stay away from those who speak ill of the places where I have manifested myself.

Those who sow discord are being used by the adversary to distance you from the path of holiness. Pay attention, my children! Do not feel alone, because I am your Mother and I am with you.

Pray, pray, pray!

Live My messages already left in this place.

Return to God as soon as possible my beloved ones.

I love you!

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY (23/04/2009) Curitiba/PR

Beloved children, pray.

Pray a lot for one another. It is necessary to love one another in order to be able to pray for one another. Without love you will not be able to pray for one another. Love builds and cures even diseases that science could not yet to diagnose.

I am Mary Rosa Mystica the Mother of Pure Love. I am the Mother of the Word!

Love each other. Love, my children!

Nine years ago I manifested My love through the balm of the rose (honey that poured from the rose for 4 years).(honey that poured from the rose for 4 years).

Live day-to-day my messages.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

MESSAGE OF OUR LADY (04/25/2009) São Paulo/SP

Beloved children, pray.

Pray a lot for one another. It is necessary to love one another in order to be able to pray for one another. Without love you will not be able to pray for one another. Love builds and cures even diseases that science could not yet to diagnose.

I am Mary Rosa Mystica the Mother of Pure Love. I am the Mother of the Word!

Love each other. Love, my children!

Nine years ago I manifested My love through the balm of the rose (honey that poured from the rose for 4 years).

Live day-to-day my messages.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Photos from the old Photolog from the month of April 2009. Access them with the captions in the link:


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Information: (41) 3383 0252 (landline and Whatsapp) Business.

Rua da Balsa, (near the Iguassu River Bridge and the endpoint of the bus from Ganchinho).

District of Cachoeira - São José dos Pinhais - Paraná/Brazil

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Operation 013

Owner: Eduardo Gomes Ferreira.

Arabic: ظهور سيدة

Bosnian: Ogled naše Gospe

English: Apparition of Our Lady

Spanish: Aparición de Nuestra Señora

French: Apparition de Notre Dame

Croatian: Ukazanje Gospe

Italian: Apparizione di Nostra Signora

Hebrew: התגלותה של גבירתנו

Japanese: 聖母の出現

Korean: 성모님의 유혹

Norwegian: Angivelse av Vår Frue

Polish: Objawienie Matki Bożej

Russian: Явление Богоматери

Vietnamese: Sự hiện ra của Đức Mẹ

Chinese: 我们的夫人的幻影

Apucarana, Borrazópolis, Itajaí, Angola, Medjugorje, Croscia, Asseiceira, Portugal, Guadalupe, Padre, Papa Francisco, São João Paulo, Vaticano

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