The Lord Jesus' message to Brother Eduardo Ferreira on September 3, 2021 in S. José dos Pinhais/PR
Updated: Oct 4, 2021
Message from our Lord Jesus, left on September 3rd, 2021, to Brother Eduardo Ferreira in São José dos Pinhais, state of Paraná, Brazil.
(Transcription of the reading of the message by the voice of Brother Eduardo himself in the video accessed at on Monday, October 04, 2021 at 02:34).
Beloved! Listen and write that I will tell you: My Mother was born prepared to
- to receive the Son Jesus;
- to concede the Son.
The Holy Spirit enlightened Her and She generated the Divine Word.
She was created in holiness for holiness.
The Divine Perfection that is God, prepared this preciousness that is Mary my Holy Mother.
He prepared this jewel that is Mary, to receive the also Holy Son, Jesus.
My Holy Mother was perfect and must be venerated as holy, most holy, Saint of Saints.
She is the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Mother of the Son of God.
Look at the holiness of My Mother and change your way of thinking towards Mary My Mother.
Mary, My Mother, holds with her the Father.
Holy Mary, full of Purity, humble of heart, that did to be the example Jesus.
My Mother is holy because she gave birth to the Son, the creator Jesus Christ who came into the world through Mary's womb.
Love her Holiness and respect the truthfulness of Mary My Mother who is the true Holy soul.
Who loves me, loves my Holy Mother.
I leave you my peace. I am Jesus.
Jesus speaks of the Holiness of Mary Most Holy (message from Jesus 03/09/2021)