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Writer's pictureJose Rocha

Our Lady's Message to Brother Eduardo Ferreira on Jun 13, 2021 in São José dos Pinhais, PR

Updated: Jun 20, 2021


Message of Our Lady Mystical Rose Queen of Peace, to Brother Eduardo Ferreira on June 13, 2021 in São José dos Pinhais/PR.

My children, peace!

I invite you to prayer, sacrifice and penance for the whole Church. Pray for the priests, bishops, cardinals, for the Pope and in a special way for the seminarists. Pray, pray.

Be obedient to my Son Jesus and to me who am your mother.

Why so much sadness? Why so much discouragement when you ones pray?

Know dear children, when you pray, I am present with you and I pray with you.

Bend your knees in family and pray the Rosary. Hard days are coming. Family! You ones need to pray!

At this moment you ones may get shots of the sun. I express my love for each one of you here today.

I am Mary Mystical Rose Queen of Peace.

With love I bless you.


13 de junho às 08:30 · A Thousand Hail Marys prayed at the Little Chapel of the Apparitions

13 de junho às 13:55 · A Thousand Hail Marys prayed at the Little Chapel of the Apparitions

Signs on the sun during the apparition of the Virgin Mary on 6/13/2021, (with a message from Our Lady).

Photos of the sign on the sun at the time of the apparition.



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