Our Lady's message on April 12, 2022—São José dos Pinhais, Brazil
Updated: Apr 29, 2022
Message from Our Lady Mystical Rose Queen of Peace, delivered on April 12, 2022, to Brother Eduardo Ferreira in the city of São José dos Pinhais, state of Paraná, Brazil.
(Transcription of the reading of the message by the voice of Brother Eduardo himself in the video accessed on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZfYNgvvlVc&t=33s on Monday, April 18, 2022, at 16:31).
My little darling children, peace!
I am the Immaculate Conception, Mystical Rose Queen of Peace.
Little children, on this day, I invite you once again to pray for peace. This peace can only be obtained through my Son Jesus. Pray my children. I want you to pray so that the Church will proclaim Me as Mediatrix of All Graces, Co-redemptrix and Advocate. I will rejoice greatly on this day.
My children, I have come down from heaven to be with you. I am your mother, and I am here.
My little children, I do not disapprove of the vaccination for this pandemic (Covid-19), but I disapprove vaccines that are compromised, such as those from fetal cells generated from human embryonic kidney cells, from the remains of a voluntarily aborted fetus… Pray, my little children!
The Church will be punished if it supports such experiments. Remember, every voluntary abortion is a sacrifice to Satana.
Since this pandemic began, God has given mankind a time for them to be reconciled to the Creator.
Little darling children, just as Moses interceded for the Israelites in the desert in times of danger… I, your Mother, intercede for you.
My children, I say it again: the schism will come and with it the punishment of communism, which will deprive everyone of everything they own.
This is the time of persecution in the Church… I am here to lead you to the safe refuge that is My Immaculate Heart.
My children, seek God with repentance, and in finding Him, you will find true joy. Take courage!
Remember today My apparition on April 12, 1985, in Schio in Italy.
Pray and offer your sacrifices, for only through prayer will men save themselves.
With love, I bless you.
This is a time of #persecution in the #Church. I am here to lead you to the #safe #refuge that is…
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