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  • Writer's pictureJose Rocha

February 13, 2024 — Our Lady Rosa Mystica Queen of Peace’s message

Updated: Jun 21


Message from Our Lady Mystical Rose Queen of Peace, left on February 13, 2024; to Brother Eduardo Ferreira in São José dos Pinhais, state of Paraná, Brazil

“My children, peace!

Once again, I invite you to pray for priestly and religious vocations.

You need to have a strong faith in God, to not lose your faith. Pray every day. Pray the Chaplet, pray the Rosary. Seek God first and foremost.

This is a time of grace that I am coming to São José dos Pinhais… do not waste this time.

Close your ears to any kind of gossip against this place. Our adversary is cunning and tries in every way to keep you all away from Me, your Mother.


Do not stop praying at home, on the street, and even at work… may your lives be a continuous prayer of praise to God!

With love, I bless you."


#lives a #praise to #God (message of the Virgin Mary on February 13, 2024)


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