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December 08, 2023 — Message from Our Lady in São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brazil

Writer: Jose RochaJose Rocha


Message from Our Lady of the Mystical Rose, given to the seer Brother Eduardo Ferreira on December 8, 2023, at 12 noon (Hour Of Grace For The World), in the city of São José dos Pinhais, state of Paraná, Brazil. 

Original source of the transcript of Brother Eduardo's speech: of this video, which was accessed on Friday, January 26, 2024, at 03:08 am.

Normally, Brother Eduardo publishes the messages by repeating the words spoken by Our Lady in 1st person, but with regard to this December 8th, what we have so far is this account (right after) of the apparition and the message in 3rd person.

In other words, right after the apparition, Brother Eduardo tells us what Our Lady did and said, as follows:

“Today Our Lady came all in golden. She wore a golden tunic and a golden mantle.

What I found most interesting was that Our Lady was carrying a black cross on her chest, and Our Lady was holding this cross firmly. 

Very firmly on her chest… it feels like it would hurt if we did it, it would hurt our chest…”

As he speaks, Brother Eduardo gestures with a small crucifix in his left hand, trying to reproduce Our Lady's gesture.

“… Very firm! It looks like she's going to put that cross inside her chest!

The look on Our Lady's face was not so happy…

Our Lady invites us to pray for all the clergy, for the Church. 

She said that she comes from heaven today to be closer to each one of us, and she said that she is here, she came here, because she loves us in a very special way… 

And that we should value this love that she has for each one of us!

Even though many of us despise her… Our Lady… She said that she will always love us.

No matter how much we don't accept her as our mother, how much we put her aside, she will always love us!

She says that our love for her changes every second, but her love for us, never! 

It will never change, no matter how much we disown her, no matter how much we don't accept her as a mother, no matter how much we don't call her mother, and no matter what happens… she says: even so, she has, she will always have us as her children, she will always love us! 

She also says that: in times of difficulty… don't stop praying!

Pray with confidence, pray with confidence!

She also said that grace was, is for everyone! Today she has come to bring the graces of her son Jesus.

Everyone has the right to receive and everyone can receive, but she also says that we need to open up and believe in her presence.

As much as we don't see her, as much as we don't feel her, she is here!

She also said that we must be vigilant: evil is all around us… and she also reminded me of something she told me many years ago, she said that the enemy… he tempts the people who are close to us, the people we love.

He has a way of manipulating that person to make us sad and even sow hatred in our hearts.

She also says… she said: the enemy is trying, will try in every way, to erase Our Lady's message, but she says that one of the ways he can't do that, is when we keep and carry her message in our hearts.

That's why she always says: “Live my messages!”… we need to live Our Lady's messages day by day, to bear witness to Our Lady's message.

She also said: we, as Mystical Rose, have an obligation towards priests… the devil is increasingly trying to attack priests, sowing discord between them and even creating mistrust.”

At that moment, Brother Eduardo, still kneeling and holding that small crucifix in front of the image of Our Lady of the Mystical Rose, made a short silent prayer, then stood up and guided the presents:

“As the brother said in the chapel, everything that was presented to Our Lady was blessed and some of the objects she touched, as I said, are for you to place on the people who are sick.

Don't keep it, don't put it in plastic, thinking it will keep the aroma… use it!”


#Hour Of #Grace For The #World (08/12/23) Chapel of the Apparitions of Our Lady São José dos Pinhais, Brazil


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