June 13, 2024 ― Our Lady's message in São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brazil
Updated: Sep 28
Message from Our Lady Mystical Rose Queen of Peace, left to Brother Eduardo Ferreira; on June 13, 2024, in São José do Pinhais, state of Paraná/Brazil.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkx6n_S365mcnShAvKYqOLsIetskkBcF3p6 accessed on Friday, September 27, 2024 at 10:50 p.m.
My children, today I invite you once again to pray for my predilected children, the priests.
I am here and I insist that you pray a lot for the Church of my Divine Son Jesus.
I have already revealed in many past messages that there would be so much persecution inside and outside the Church.
Know, my children, that this persecution has already begun.
You must double your prayers.
Like mystical roses, you must pray, you must do penance and also make small sacrifices for my priest sons.
Do not be afraid... I am your Mother and I am close to you!
Always consecrate your family to my care.
On this day too, I invite you to pray for my children in Asia.
Pray, pray, my children.
Everything you give with love will come back in double.
I bless you with love”.
#Persecution within the #Church (message of the Virgin Mary on June 13, 2024)