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Writer's pictureJose Rocha

Jesus' message to Brother Eduardo Ferreira, February 12, 2022, São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brazil


Message from Jesus, delivered on February 12th, 2022, to Brother Eduardo Ferreira, in the city of São José dos Pinhais, Paraná State, Brazil

(Transcription of the reading of the message by Brother Eduardo himself in the video accessed on on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 21:44).


Look within yourselves and free yourselves from the sins and illusions in your hearts!

Seek to please your Creator! With your attitudes and your works.

Seek what leads you to salvation!… And do not let yourselves be carried away by the evil attraction that reigns over you.

My children, keep away from all that is evil, do not seek esotericism, diviners and healers, do not seek the zodiac to know about the future, do not seek witchcrafters!… Those that you need to visit on the sly.

I, the Lord, am your sustenance, and I lead you to the light. I am the light, and that light will shine upon you to show you my mercy.

I leave you my peace.


⚠️ Zodiac - Jesus Condemns (Message from Jesus 12/02/2022)

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